Does My House Need More Than One Water Heater?


It’s a question of whether a single hot water system is already enough to supply your entire household’s needs even during peak use. For example, a small gas storage or a continuous flow system (instantaneous) is already enough for a small household with just one or two persons. For medium-sized households (3 or 4 people), gas systems or heat pumps are often recommended. For large households (with 5 or more occupants), two or more gas storage

Is a Gas Water Heater Better Than Electric?


Almost half of water heaters in Australia are gas water heaters. They’re more cost-effective than the electric types because electricity costs are not getting any lower. Furthermore, our awareness about energy consumption and costs drive the decisions of households for choosing gas water heaters. Is a gas water heater better than electric? The more appropriate question might be: Is a gas water heater more economical than electric given your requirements and prevailing conditions? After all, we’ll

What Causes Hot Water to Stop Working?


It could be because of power or fuel issues (either the energy source or the connections), defective heating elements or heat exchangers, a failing thermostat or a huge leak in the piping or tank. In most cases the hot water issue can still be repaired but in some a full replacement might be necessary. For instance, a huge rust build-up in the tank is difficult or impossible to fix and may often require replacement of the

How to Make My Water Heater Last Longer?


Timely maintenance and inspections can make your hot water last longer for a few more years. For instance, sediments, leaks and drips are making the water heater work harder which then increases energy costs, produces less hot water and damages the water heater’s components and parts. It’s true there are times when we need to replace the old hot water with a more modern and energy-efficient unit. However, as much as possible we need to delay

Is a Solar Water Heater Worth It?


Water heating is the second biggest household energy user (just after space heating and cooling). Approximately 25 per cent of the household energy use is due to hot water (for bathroom, laundry and kitchen use). Because of the sizable operating expenses (and the increasing utility bills), it’s really worth it to pay attention to the water heater you’ll use. Keep in mind that this will be an ongoing expense day in and day out. You have

Why Is The Water in My House Not Getting Hot?


Often hot water problems happen at the worst possible moment. Whether it’s a Monday morning when you’re preparing for work or a Friday evening when you really need to take a warm shower after a long exhausting day. One of those problems is that water seems not to be getting hot (seems it’s not working at all). It’s a huge hassle because you really need it at the moment. You want to get it fixed right

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