Are Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters Good? 


When it comes to providing hot water efficiently and conveniently, tankless water heaters have gained popularity in recent years. Rinnai, a renowned manufacturer of home heating and water heating appliances, is a prominent player in the tankless water heater market. For over 50 years, Rinnai has been providing reliable hot water systems for the Australian market.  As with any product, consumers want to ensure they are investing in a reliable and efficient option. So, are Rinnai

Is Rheem a Good Brand for Water Heater? 


First, Rheem as a hot water system brand has a long history. In 1939, Rheem manufactured its first water heater in Australia. With its long history and solid presence, we can say that there’s a reason why Rheem is still here in this business.  Second, Rheem has a wide range of hot water systems, including electric and gas storage, solar-powered water heaters and continuous flow (or instantaneous) systems. These water heaters have been servicing households and

How to Choose Your First Hot Water System 


To help you make a smart choice and save money for your first hot water system, here are some useful tips:  Assess your hot water needs. Determine the amount of hot water your household requires on a daily basis. Consider the number of occupants, frequency of hot water usage and peak demand periods. This information will help you choose a system with just the right capacity.  Understand the different types of hot water systems. Familiarise yourself

What are the Best Hot Water Systems in Australia? 


Some of the major brands of hot water systems in Australia are:  AquaMAX  Bosch  Dux  Rheem  Rinnai  Quantum  Thermann  Vulcan  AquaMAX  They started in 1988 and since then they have manufactured more than half a million water heaters. Over the years they have won several awards and continue to practice excellence in production and quality control in their local plant at Moorabbin, Victoria.  Bosch  With their headquarters and technical centre at Clayton, Victoria, over the years

Are Heat Pump Water Heaters Worth It? 


Heat pump water heaters only use 30 per cent of the energy of conventional electric hot water systems (source: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water). They’re highly efficient because they absorb the free heat from the surroundings and use that to heat the water. It’s like the reverse of how refrigerators work, where instead heat is pumped out of the fridge to keep the interiors cool.  With this greater efficiency of heat pump

When Should I Worry About My Water Heater? 


Some of the problem signs are:  Not enough hot water  Leaks  Weird noises  Foul-smelling water  Your hot water system is already 10 years old  Not enough hot water  Perhaps it’s now time to buy a water heater with a larger capacity. This way, there will be no problems even during simultaneous demand for hot water or peak use (everyone’s showering or someone is in the bathroom while the other one is using it for washing).  Leaks 

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