What Would Cause an Electric Water Heater to Stop Working? 


Electric water heaters stop working often because of:  Blown fuse  Tripped circuit breaker  Faulty thermostat  Malfunctioning heating element  Leaks in the pipe or storage tank  Water heater is undersized (water doesn’t get hot enough because supply doesn’t meet your demand)  Any of these problems can cause your electric water heater to malfunction. It’s important to call a hot water technician right away so that the problem won’t get worse. This way, the defect can still be

Should You Buy an Electric, Gas or Solar Water Heater? 


When choosing a hot water system, you should consider the water heater type (electric, gas or solar) and their upfront and running costs. This is one way to gain long-term savings and get the most out of your hot water system.  Electric, gas or solar?  Here’s a quick comparison among the three types:  Electric (cheapest to buy but with the highest running cost)  Gas (traditionally the most economical type because of the good balance between the

Repair and Maintenance of Solar Hot Water


Solar water heater repairs often happen because of the following:  Leaks from tanks and pipes  Solar collectors not working  Problem with the electrical components  Discoloured water  Not enough hot water or water is not hot enough  These problems are common and may happen from time to time. However, a good way to minimise their occurrence is by having the solar hot water undergo periodic inspection and maintenance. This task often checks the following parts, components and

Why Does My Solar Water Heater Suddenly Stop Working? 


If your solar hot water system suddenly stopped working, it might be because of a problem in any of the following: Power outlet and other electrical components  Water supply and pipes (e.g. clogs, corrosion)  External boosting system (gas or electric system)  Electronic controls  Circulation pump  Solar collector Storage tank  Controller  Valves  There are several potential problems and causes, which is why it’s important to contact a hot water specialist. This way, you’ll know the real problem

How Long Do Solar Water Heaters Last? 


Quality solar hot water systems can last for up to 20 years, compared to just around 10 years for gas and electric water heaters. In addition, you can save energy worth around $3,000 to $5,000 in the solar water heater’s lifetime.  About solar water heaters  Although they’re designed to be used with gas and electric systems, solar hot water heaters can cut your water heating energy costs by half. Further, it can also cut your carbon

What to Do When Hot Water is Not Working


If your hot water doesn’t work, you can do the following:  For gas water heater:  Check for gas leaks  Check the pilot light (relight it if it’s off)  See if the gas supply switch is turned off or damaged already  For electric hot water:  Restart your water heater  See if the thermostat works properly  Look if there any blown fuses (replace them if necessary)  Check if there’s a problem with the wiring and electrical connections  If

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